Day 3 Tuesday
TIME MASTERS, BOOK ONE: THE CALL, by Geralyn Beauchamp is one of the finest pieces of writing I've ever had a chance to read. She wrote this masterpiece for herself, if you can believe that. She did it just to prove that she could write. If you've read some of the other posts you'll realize that it was originally 750 pages. She managed to trim it down to 566. The thing that really irks me is she set it in her desk where no one could read it. It sat there for ten years. Can you believe it? Can you believe someone with talent like this writing a masterpiece and putting it in a desk? That's what she did though. Thank God some of her friends practically forced her to try to get it published.
Now I'm not asking you to get down on Geralyn because of this, but to show you how much she actually identifies with both of her heroes. In one sense she's Dallan MacDonald, a Scottish Highlander who must learn to accept the truth of many things that seem impossible to become the next Time Master. Wretched from his homeland in Glencoe, Scotland in 1692 he finds himself training. Now he doesn't know it, but when we get back to him it's the year 3698 and he's been there for 10 years training to be the next Time Master, something he utterly refuses to believe...until he sees her.
"Her" is Shona, the Muiraran Maiden who was stolen as a child, and hidden in another time. Dallan and the rest of us catch up with her in 1995. The problem is she doesn't know she's Muiraran. She notices some strange things about herself, especially of late, but she thinks she's a regular human. Now Dallan must join with her, but she must do so willingly, as must he, and she must accept who she really is.
If you've been paying attention you'll notice that both Dallan and Shona had some truths that they didn't believe, but had to come to grips with and accept. Geralyn is much like that. She wanted to see if she could write, not because she believed she was a writer, but to see if she could do it. So when she was finished she stuck the book in a drawer. But like Shona she needed to feed. The writer she always was had been released. Now she had to embrace who she really was. She couldn't deny who she was anymore than Dallan could deny he was a MacDonald. So you see, even the road she traveled to authorship tells us about the book she lovingly wrote. I hope you will all read it and enjoy the marvelous work it is.

Featured at her own site Welcome to Time Masters
You can find it at Barnes and Noble
As well as at Amazon
And of course at Cold Tree Press