Day 3 Tuesday
"Hopkin's Well", by Adrienne Ray is a marvelous work in that we not only get to travel to Mars, consider the impact of "advanced" technology, but we are faced with a question. Are we, as mortals, willing to accept what we have been told to be truth, or will we challenge what we are taught so that we might come to know the truth? This is one of my favorite lines of thinking. Without going into too much of the story let me just expound on this for a moment. For a priest, minister, preacher or what have you to teach the truth is not enough. Far too many people have thought that it was. The fact of the matter is if we do not challenge what we have been taught it remains the teachings of someone else. We can not believe in ourselves, nor in God, but only in the words of man. Yet, should someone teach the truth and be accurate 100% of the time, which would be a neat trick, and we challenged those teachings against Scripture no longer would we follow the teachings of man, but the Words of God. Those who know me know that I hate to be classified as religious. I am a Christian. I challenge what I am taught and belong to one Body, that of the Lord Jesus Christ. I follow His Word by challenging what I have been taught. By that I do not mean I am critical of everything someone says. That is also falsehood. Instead I compare what has been taught by man by what is taught in Scripture. The results are amazing because God's Word is alive. It speaks to each of us where we are, if we will but listen. Then we can follow where He leads, to the neighbor down the street, a people halfway around the world, and yes, even to Mars, to Hopkin's Well, and find that He has gone on before us.
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